Forest school

Each summer term we take the children who will be leaving us that summer to a designated area in Primley Woods for 4 or 5 sessions of Forest School. This has proved very popular with the children who have really enjoying exploring and taking part in a variety of outdoor activities that we cannot provide during a normal session back at our setting.

We have found that taking part in Forest School, from going on the minibus to the challenges of climbing up muddy banks or building dens, has given the children more confidence when facing unfamiliar activities and problem-solving.

Forest School has also been popular with our parents (as illustrated in the feedback below), so we have been lucky to have at least one parent helper each session.

My Forest School Experience with Collaton Pre-School 2015

I have never been involved in anything like this before so really didn't know what to expect!!

All I can say is that it was a very enjoyable, unforgettable experience.making pictures.

It was so nice to see the children all together having fun in a completely different environment and how they very quickly adjusted to it.

The way their imaginations worked and came up with so many different ideas in each different activity was really lovely to see.

I loved all the activities we did including singing around the camp fire, making dens, exploring and making things with our findings, climbing and getting muddy and of course buttered toasted Tea cakes and Marshmallows!!!

I thought the staff put so much thought and hard work into making the experience for all the children and helpers a very memorable one.

Can't wait to join you again this year!!
