The Pre-School Team

With six members of staff we can offer a high ratio of adults to children, which enables us to provide stimulating activities in all areas of the curriculum and work in small groups and on a one-to-one basis where appropriate. The staff work as a team, with each member (listed below), having the responsibility for a specific area to ensure the efficient day-to-day running of the Pre-School. We have a designated SENCO, Health and Safety/Hygiene Officer, Child Safeguarding and Behavioural Management Advisors. With all full time members of staff having First Aid Certificates, the Pre-School has First Aid cover at all times.

Julia Yarrell Pre-School Manager
Safeguarding Lead
Leanne Drake Deputy Manager
Jayne Jones Admin & Finance Manager & SENCO
Chantelle Lane Pre-School Assistant
Deputy Safeguarding & SENCO
Laura Dexter Pre-School Assistant
Michann Stacey Pre-School Assistant

It is the policy of the Pre-School to encourage all members of staff to attend regular professional training.